Yesterday we went to fort George in Saint George it was a steep hill up to fort George. We parked lower than the fort, at the side of the road. We had to climb up a road that lead the police headquarters. What we didn't know was there was an easier back way to go up!

It has amazing views of St. George's. The British, French and Grenada's flags were all flying. I think it is because the British first had the fort, then the French then the British took it back, so it is representing some of the owners of the fort.
There were a ton of cannons at the top of the fort. Some were pointed over where the cruise ships come in and others were pointed towards Grand Anse. The cannons had the Queen's crown printed onto it. I thought it might also have the year it was made because they all had numbers on them. The shoved rock into them so they couldn't be fired.
Wall where they were lined up and shot |
Something that was fired at Fort George in 1983 was guns at the
Prime Minister and 7 of his workers. They were killed and the bodies were supposedly burned, but no one knows as they have never recovered the bodies. It happened a week from today October 19th 1983. It was sad that they were killed.
I did not enjoy the tunnels in the fort because I hurt my ankle. It was scary going down because it was pitch black, but when I was down there it was neat to see where they were fighting from. It was nice because the temperature was very cool.
Right now they are arguing about when Thanksgiving should be. It is the day the Americans invaded Grenada. Some people think it should be the day Maurice Bishop was killed with seven of his workers because they died heroes for what he believed.