This blog belongs to Owen who is 11 years old. He moved to Grenada in September 2014 with us, his family, while I volunteer with Cuso International. He is sharing his thoughts about moving to a foreign country, living in the Caribbean and how it is to come home after ten months away.

Monday 30 June 2014

Blood work is no fun!

This week I had to get blood work done to see what my blood type is. I got it done at the doctor’s office. It was a nurse who took my blood sample.

The first time I was really scared. I was crying and panicky. I was really nervous. On a scale of 1 to 10 I was 100. I was so nervous my veins shut down. When she tried to take the blood the first time no blood came out.

Then I freaked out because I had let them try and it didn’t work, and I didn’t want to do it again. But I had to. To help the nurse put on some cream numb my arm. Another nurse came in and got a heating bag. While we waited my mom had me try to breathe slowly.

The second needle didn’t take as long because I was more relaxed. When you are relaxed your blood flows better.

I did not enjoy the experience at all, but I am curious what my blood type is!

Sunday 22 June 2014

Believe it or Not

With my cousin Randy
Two weekends ago I went to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not Aquarium in Toronto. I went with aunt Ceilidh, Uncle Ken and my cousin Randy.

We saw turtles, sharks, all different types of fish. What I liked best was the sharks because one looked like a saw. There was a tunnel that was glass that went through a shark tank. I crawled through it with my cousin Randy. It was COOL! I also got to pet stingrays and sharks- they felt weird. Their skin felt like soft leather that was slippery. When I went to Marineland in Florida I also pet a Stingray.  

Practicing in the pool
My plan is to snorkel in Grenada and see lots of underwater sea life and plant life. I am practicing snorkeling in my pool so I get good at it. I am excited to go snorkeling in Grenada.  In Grenada there is an underwater art exhibit. There sculptures of people that are stuck underwater. It represents the slaves that were killed coming to Grenada. I think I will feel sad when I see that.

Sunday 15 June 2014

What I do Matters!

Giving the opening address at Celebration
Friday the 13th was Celebration at Goodwin Learning Centre, this years theme was "What I do Matters". I think this is very true. Here is how what I do matters:
- When I have plastic bags I recycle them- so then it doesn't go in the dumps.
- I compost my leftover food- so it makes dirt and it also stays out of the landfill.
- I am kind and respectful to people and then hopefully other people will be too.
Singing "We Shall Be Free"
When I am in Grenada some of the things that I will do that matter are:
  • I will be learning about other cultures so when I come back to Canada more knowledge and different ideas.
  • I will make new friends and teach them about Canada- but not about hockey!
I am hoping that this blog will be something that I do that matters so other children will learn from my experiences.

Friday 6 June 2014


Look mom not a scratch!
When my mom told me I had to get needles I thought "No! No! No! I am not going." I thought it would be very painful.

I was scared the day of my needles. To help, I brought a stuffed kola. Aiden went first and he didn't say that it hurt, so I went.

The nurse poked me with a needle and then she counted to three. And then it was done! The nurse gave me some ice. It was only five minutes before I gave it back.

Then we came home and I got freezies and went in the pool. This morning I feel fine.

My advice to a kid who is scared is bring a stuffie and ask to have ice after. Don't worry it is not going to be as bad as you think.

Sunday 1 June 2014

When is a cow not an animal?

Do you think you know what a cow is? In Grenada it is not what you think it is! A cow is a fruit and staple of Grenadian’s diet.
Cow Fruit
My favourite Canadian foods are pizza, bacon, poutine, cheese and water melon. For breakfast I am used to having cereal or sometimes eggs. Lunch is a bagel, crackers, cheese and fresh fruit. Dinner is pasta, Sheppard’s pie, or meat and potatoes. I don’t think this will be what I eat in Grenada. I think I’ll have to eat more stuff I don’t like. 
I think I will eat eggs, this because eggs are not expensive ($1.40 for 16 eggs). Fruits and vegetables but not the ones we are used to like jamoon, kusu and noni! There won’t be any meat or not a lot. My dad is going to try to catch us dinner which would be fish. There are many different types of fish.  I am a bit worried about what I am going to eat because I can be a picky eater. I am hoping there will be lots of rice and pasta but I don’t know if there will be.
I know that food will be very expensive unless we buy it at a farmers market. There is an IGA but the prices are between 2-4 times higher than in Canada. So a box of cereal would be $16!! No more cereal for breakfast.
I think I will come back thinner!