This blog belongs to Owen who is 11 years old. He moved to Grenada in September 2014 with us, his family, while I volunteer with Cuso International. He is sharing his thoughts about moving to a foreign country, living in the Caribbean and how it is to come home after ten months away.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Night at the Movies

Me and dad with the condos behind
On Sunday we went to  Prickly Bay Marina. Pricky Bay Marina is in Lance Aux Epines, a nice neighbourhood with embassies and big houses. The marina has sailboats and dingys, it is not all like Port Louis. It has a rental complex of pretty townhouses and condos. Every night they have something different going Sunday was movie night.

When we got there found a seat near the screen. To show they movie they projected it onto the white wall of a small theatre. While we waited for the movie to start we order vanilla ice cream. It came in a small plastic cup. It was $5 XCD or about $2.00 Canadian. The ice cream was yummy. Mommy had coffee that she didn't drink. Mommy tried putting ice cream in it to make it taste better but it didn't work.

The little theatre where they showed the movie
The movie playing was Night at the Museum- The Secret of the Tomb. It was our second time seeing it in Grenada!

I bit through the movie a very nice lady gave Aiden and me two glow sticks each. They were cool, they were two different colours. The lady had the glow sticks because she had three little girls. We thanked her a couple of times.

The movie ended at exactly 8:00 p.m. so we went home to get into bed. When we got home there were two little boys at the bar across the street. So we each gave one of them a glow stick. Dad said the children at the bar were really happy to get them.

I would like to go to the movies at Prickly Bay again!
The lady who gave us the glow sticks is in front of us
Glow sticks and ice cream!

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